Installing/Updating Mission Planner

Windows Download

Windows Installation

The steps below provide a detailed guide on how to set up Mission Planner on a Windows system. This guide caters to the needs of most users. However, if you're an advanced user or need non-standard installation methods, you can find further instructions here. There's also a helpful video tutorial for an advanced installation process here.

  1. Download MissionPlanner-latest.msi.

  2. After downloading, double-click the .msi file to initiate the installation

  3. Adhere to the on-screen instructions to wrap up the installation. The installation tool will take care of installing required software drivers on its own. If you encounter a DirectX installation issue, consider updating your DirectX plug-in via the Windows Download Center.

  4. If the following warning pops up, choose "Install this driver software anyway" to proceed. Mission Planner is normally installed in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner folder.

  5. An icon to open the Mission Planner is created according to your instructions during the installation.

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