Radio Setup

This page provides instructions for setting up the DoodleLabs and Silvus radios.

The instructions below apply to both the 2.4Ghz DoodleLabs and Silvus Embedded Radios (KONTACT + PRISM Sky) and the 2.4Ghz DoodleLabs and Silvus External Radio.


  1. Install the provided antennas.

Embedded (KONTACT) - Install the two (2) provided radio antennas onto the top of KONTACT.

External (Radio) - Install the two (2) provided radio antennas onto the top of the External Radio.

  1. Connect power supply to ground radio.

Embedded (KONTACT) - Install two (2) fully charged batteries included with KONTACT.

External (Radio) - Provide power to the External Radio using a 6V-42V power supply with a XT60 male adaptor.

  1. Depending on your radio configuration, follow the instructions for Installing DoodleLabs Antennas and Installing Silvus Antennas

  2. Power on PRISM Sky (arms folded)

  3. Power on ground radio to connect and activate the corresponding ethernet port.

Embedded (KONTACT) - Using the power button on the top left of the GCS, power on KONTACT and allow the radio to fully bootup (~60 seconds).

External (Radio) - Power on a PC, Laptop or Tablet and connect the exposed end of the ethernet cable coming from the External Smart Radio into your device's ethernet port.

NOTE: The remaining instructions below applies to BOTH to Embedded (KONTACT) and External (Radio) DoodleLabs and Silvus Radios.

  1. Navigate to Start (Windows Icon) > Settings > Network & Internet Settings > Change adapter options and double-click the Ethernet adapter connected to the your device.

  1. In the Ethernet Status window, select Properties.

  1. Double-click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).

  1. In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window, select Use the following IP address and enter in the information below:

NOTE: These Network & Internet Settings for the ethernet adaptor on KONTACT will be preconfigured by Watts Innovations but it is a good practice to verify these settings.


    • (DoodleLabs)

    • (Silvus)


    • (DoodleLabs and Silvus)

Double check the IP Address and Subnet mask typed in; if they are slightly wrong, the radios could still connect but AMC will not be able to connect to PRISM Sky.

  1. Click OK to confirm these settings.

pageSilvus RadiopageDoodleLabs Radio

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